
We are committed to working for a world in which dignified work and education are accessible to every individual.

KISANY aims to establish skills and opportunities for dignified work in poor communities in East Africa. By creating a market, supply and demand, we aim to create long-term solutions and help transform the lives of women in DR Congo and Rwanda.


In 2023, we were proud to celebrate two decades of partnership with talented, courageous and determined artisans in Africa.
Thanks to your support, we have provided 244,600 days of work for 125 women in Goma, DR Congo and Rwanda. 
Impacting nearly 1,500 lives in these regions, we have built a community of artisans who have acquired exceptional skills.​

Today, we remain dedicated to giving work and growing by weaving beauty and quality into exceptional linens.

  Find out more about our project

For 20 years, KISANY has been offering vocational training and work to women in Africa. KISANY women are trained as embroiderers and tailors to a high professional standard.

A dedicated European team manages quality control and consistency. In addition, we offer women interest-free loans to buy houses and land or to invest in further education.

Through their work, KISANY has brought about marked improvements in living standards, quality of life and education in the communities in which they work.

 Find out more about our ateliers


Cette année, nous aurons donné plus de travail à nos artisans grâce à notre stock, mais moins de commandes sur-mesure..  
  • 19. 100 jours de travails octroyés aux artisans
  • Over 1,000 bespoke orders
  • 126 artisans font partie de notre communauté à Goma et à Kigali
  • Notre communauté de clients s'étend  sur 18 pays différents 
One of the best professional years for our ateliers. They managed to deliver impeccable orders on time.
  • 18,041 working days granted to artisans
  • Over 1,000 bespoke orders
  • 125 artisans are part of our community in Goma and Kigali
  • Our customer community still spans 17 different countries 
Stable working days on offer despite outbreak of violence in Goma
  • 24,478 working days granted
  • Our team of artisans has made over 11,000 products
  • Together, we have given 125 artisans in DR Congo and Rwanda access to decent work
  • Our customer community spans 17 different countries
A record year with the highest number of days worked
  • 26,854 working days granted
  • Together, we have given 124 artisans in DR Congo and Rwanda access to decent work
  • Our customer community spans 15 different countries
Despite the turbulence, the team has grown and stabilised

  • 22,687 working days granted
  • Our team of artisans has made more than 7,915 products
  • Together, we have given 120 artisans in DR Congo and Rwanda access to decent work.

A good year with growth in international customers

  • 13,761 working days granted
  • Our team of artisans produced 11,358 products
  • Together, we have given 118 artisans access to decent work
  • Our customer community spans 8 different countries


First years of transition from NGO to social enterprise

  • In 2018, KISANY helped artisans create and sell 8,752 products worldwide
  • These products have provided 117 people and their families with a fair and regular income
  • Our customer community spans 6 different countries

Thank you for being part of our story!