KISANY, 20 years of empowering women through embroidery

​In 2023, KISANY celebrated its 20th anniversary. Founded by three Belgian women - Nicole Esselen, Isabelle Degryse, and Manuela del Marmol - this social enterprise aims to provide employment and greater financial autonomy to women in vulnerable regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

On January 17, 2002, the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano devastated the city of Goma, plunging its inhabitants into extreme poverty. Nicole Esselen, then a project coordinator for the Belgian NGO ‘En Avant les Enfants’ in Goma, received a call for help from a group of women embroiderers. Moved by their situation, Nicole and her friends Isabelle and Manuela decided to create KISANY. Their vision was simple yet ambitious: to train these women in luxury craftsmanship to provide them with financial independence, essential for living with dignity, feeding, and educating their children. 

​With the support of a team of volunteers handling logistics, KISANY has enabled over a thousand people to achieve a better life. This project, which began with six embroiderers and one tailor, is now a thriving social enterprise. KISANY has trained over 200 people in embroidery and currently employs 125 people in its ateliers in Goma and Kigali. 

For nearly fifteen years, KISANY was managed by ‘En Avant les Enfants’, an entirely volunteer-based NGO. However, to ensure the project's sustainability, a new team was established to transform KISANY into an independent social enterprise. This transformation allows KISANY to continue offering dignified work and education to its employees while reinvesting part of the profits into community projects through ‘En Avant les Enfants’.

In addition to providing jobs, KISANY reinvests part of its profits into local initiatives such as microcredits and tree planting projects. These efforts have enabled many families to improve their living conditions and create income-generating activities outside the ateliers. 

KISANY is committed to continuing its mission of social transformation, creating a world where work and education are accessible to all. Through a needle and thread, KISANY continues to weave connections and build a better future for the women and communities it supports.

KISANY joins the Make Mothers Matter network