Current situation in Goma, DR Congo: an ongoing challenge

Manuela del Marmol, co-founder of KISANY and administrator of our partner non-profit organisation En Avant Les Enfants, has just returned from 10 days in Goma and Kigali, where she visited projects in the field and our ateliers. She was able to see at first hand the progress made and the challenges faced by our local initiatives.

​A city under pressure: the reality in Goma

The situation in Goma is extremely complex. The city is surrounded by camps for displaced people fleeing the atrocities perpetrated by the M23 rebels. These armed groups are driving people out of the countryside to control the precious metal mines, creating a major humanitarian crisis. Goma, which had a population of barely 200,000 20 years ago, now has a population of over 2 million. 

This demographic pressure on inadequate infrastructures is having dramatic consequences. The camps for displaced people, scattered around the city, are the scene of appalling living conditions, with many cases of sexual violence reported by Médecins Sans Frontières. Access to Goma is controlled by the rebels, making food supplies difficult and causing prices to rise steadily. Insecurity is omnipresent, particularly at night, and many children are forced to beg in order to survive.

Why your aid is more important than ever?

Despite the deterioration of the situation over the years, we firmly believe in the importance of our support in the Congo. Our local partners, such as En Avant Les Enfants, are working tirelessly to build the capacity of communities to overcome these difficulties.

En Avant Les Enfants initiatives:


Harvests from the vegetable gardens help to offset rising food prices. Many former members welcome displaced people into their homes, and children take part in football training, encouraging integration and hope.

École des Femmes - VSK

This agroforestry training programme enables young women who have been victims of sexual violence to become leaders in their communities.

Promo Jeune Basket 

By instilling the values of living together, this programme prevents young people from falling into delinquency or joining paramilitary groups. The best basketball players obtain school grants and improve their career prospects.


​Children from dysfunctional families benefit from school grants and parental support, which has increased their success rate from 47% to 84% in one year.

Foyer Culturel de Goma: The only institution offering courses in music, dance, singing and film, this centre opens up new horizons for young people and keeps them away from bad influences. 

Kivu International School (KIS): With an academic success rate of over 99.5%, this school supports 47 scholarship-holders, the three most recent of whom are orphans. 

Ngangi Fund: Sponsors 37 university scholarships, with positive academic results and alumni coaching for new graduates entering the job market.

Your support is invaluable. Every donation makes a huge difference for En Avant Les Enfants and helps us to pursue our mission of support and sustainable development. Thank you for your loyalty and generosity, which make a real difference to the lives of these communities.

​Would you like to support En Avant Les Enfants?

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